Hannaford [Isobar]

Re-imagining a digital grocery storefront in a pre-instacart world.

My Role
UI/UX Designer

Six (6) weeks

Delhaize approached our team with an exciting question “How might we reimagine a digital grocery ecosystem for both employees and shoppers?”

Below are explorations from the direction I led that wasn’t selected. View the shipped experience here.

Read on for the alternate design that nearly shipped.

New design with a systematic approach

Exploring responsive web and mobile components to expedite build once client approved the direction. Ensuring existing product images could be utilized without additional design effort.

Discovery activities

Leading up to exploratory designs, the team dove into marker and generative research and week long design sprint involving co-creation activities with our clients.

Reimagining Navigation

Client didn’t pick my design direction, but I was able support the direction that was selected and now live. Including developing a framework for the navigation. The designs below are a result of quantitative tree testing from a 3rd party.